Zoroastrian Daily Prayers

Zoroastrian Prayers


Hāvan Gāh (Short)
Prayer When To Pray

Hāvanēe ashaone ashahe rathwe,
yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha.
Sāvanghēe Vīsyāicha ashaone ashahe rathwe,
yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha.

Starts 36 minutes prior to sun-rise (known as Havan-ni-Meher) that last till 12 noon.

Hāvan Gāh (Full)
Prayer Meaning

(Note: This same Gāh should be recited during the period of Second Havan as well, i.e. from the Month Āvan, Roz Hormazd up to Vahishtoisht Gatha. For further explanation see note given to “the five gāhs to be recited separately”).

(1) Khshnaothra Ahurahe Mazdāo.

Ashem Vohū - 3.

Fravarāne mazdayasnō Zarathushtrish vīdaēvō Ahura-tkaeshō.
Havanēe ashaone ashahe rathwe,
yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha.
Sāvanghēe vīsyāicha ashaone ashahe rathwe,
yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha.

(2) Mithrahe vouru-gaoyaotōish hazanghrō-gaoshahe,
baēvarechashmanō, aokhtō-nāmanō yazatahe,
Rāmanō khvāstrahe, khshnaothra yasnāicha
vahmāicha Khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha,
yathā Ahū Vairyō zaotā frā me mrūte athā ratush
ashātchit hacha frā ashava vīdhvāo mraotū.

(3) Ahurem Mazdām ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
zarathushtrem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
zarathushtrahe ashaonō fravashīm yazamaide;
Ameshe Spente ashaonām yazamaide.

4) Ashāunām vangushīsh sūrāo spentāo fravashayō
yazamaide, astvatō manakhyācha apanōtemem rathwām
yazamaide yaētushtemem yazatanām hanghanushtemem ashahe
rathavām aiwinasānstemem, jaghmūshtemam ashaonō ashahe
rathwō ratufritīm yazamaide.

(5) Hāvanīm ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Haurvatātem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Ameretātem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
āhūirīm frashnem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide,
Āhūirīm tkaēshem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide,
yasnem sūrem Haptanghāitīm ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide.

(6) Sāvanghaēm vīsīmcha ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide,
airyamanem ishīm ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide
amavantem verethrājanem, vitbaēshanghem,
vīspa tbaēshāo taurvayantem vīspa tbaēshāo, titarentem;
yō upemō, yō madhemō, yō fratemō, zaozīzuye tarō
mānthrem pancha gāthāo.

(7) Mithremcha vouru-gaoyaoitīm yazamaide; Rāmacha khvāstrem yazamaide; vīsyehe rathwō yasnāicha vahmāicha vīsīmcha ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide.

(8) Mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitīm hazangra-gaoshem, baēvare-chashmanem, aokhtōnāmanem yazatem yazamaide, Rāma khvāstrem yazamaide.

(9) Thwām ātarem Ahurahe Mazdāo puthrem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
hadha-zaothrem hadha-aiwyāonghanem, imat baresma
ashaya frastaretem, ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Apām Naptārem yazamaide; Nairīm Sanghem yazamaide;
takhmem dāmōish upamanem yazatem, yazamaide;
iristanām urvānō yazamaide yāo ashaonām fravashayō.

(10) Ratūm berezantem yazamaide yim Ahurem Mazdām,
yō ashahe apanōtemō, yō ashahe jaghmūshtemō.
vīspa sravāo Zarathushtri yazamaide; vīspacha
hvarshta shyaothna yazamaide, varshtacha vareshyamnacha.

Yenghe hātām āat yesne paiti vanghō,
Mazdāo Ahurō vaētha ashāt hachā,
yāonghāmcha tānschā tāoschā yazamaide.
Yathā Ahū Vairyō - 2.

(11) Yasnemcha vahmemcha aojascha zavarecha
afrīnami, Mithrahe Vouru-gaoyaoitōish
hazanghrō-gaoshahe, baēvare-chashmanō,
aokhtōnāmanō yazatahe, Rāmanō khvāstrahe.

Ashem Vohū - 1.

(1-2) (May there be) propitiation of (the Creator) Ahura Mazda! I profess myself (to be) a worshipper of Ahura Mazda, a follower in accordance with the Religion proclaimed by the prophet Zarathushtra, the abstainer from (the malpractices of) daevas (and) the follower of the doctrines of Ahura Mazda.
During the time of holy and pure Havan in which the work of Savanghi (i.e. business of gaining profit) and of Visya (i.e. lord of the clans) go on for the pleasure of the Creator Ahura Mazda, through the propitiation of Meher Yazata, of wide pastures, of thousand ears, and ten thousand eyes (and) of the spoken name and of Ram Khvastar, for the worship, for (their) invocation, for (their) propitiation and for (their) glorification, let the officiating priest proclaim to me (the excellences of the verses of) Yathā Ahū Vairyō. Let the Raspi (who is) righteous (and) learned announce (the excellences of these verses) “athā ratush ashāt-chit hacha”.

(3) We praise Ahura Mazda the holy Lord of Righteousness. We also praise Zarathushtra the holy Lord of Righteousness.

(4) We revere the Fravashi of the Holy2 Zarathushtra. We praise the holy Bountiful Immortals. We worship the good, heroic and beneficent Fravashis of the righteous. We praise the highest (lord) amongst the lords of the corporeal (world) and of the spiritual (world). We praise the most helpful of the yazatas (and) the most worthy (and) the well-timed prayer, the most helpful for the holy lord of holiness.

(5) We praise Hāvani the holy Lord of holiness; we praise Khordād the holy Lord of Holiness; we praise Amardād the holy Lord of holiness; we praise the word to Ahura Mazda, the pious, lord of holiness. We praise the Religion pertaining to Ahura Mazda, the pious, lord of holiness; we praise yasna Haptanghāiti, efficacious (and) holy, Lord of holiness.

(6) We praise Savanghi and Visya, the holy lords of holiness; we praise (the prayer called) Airyamana, the liked, (lovable) the holy Lord of holiness, (which prayer is) powerful, victorious, keeping away from hatred, (and) overcoming, removing all afflictions. Which (i.e. Prayercalled Airyamana) is the uppermost (beginning), the middle (and) the concluding (portion) on the Holy Spell of Five Gathas for invoking help, (i.e. the Prayer named Airyamana is the best amongst the Holy Spell of five Gathas).

(7) We worship Meher yazata of the wide pastures; we worship Rama Khvastar. In order to worship and praise the Lord Visya (i.e. pertaining to clan) we revere the Holy Visya, the lord of Righteousness.

(8) We worship Meher yazata of the wide pastures (who is) of a thousand ears and ten thousand eyes, (and) the Worshipful one (yazata) of the renowned name ; we worship Rama Khvastar.

(9) We revere thee, O Holy Fire, the purifier (of all things) pertaining to Ahura Mazda, the lord of righteousness. We revere this Baresman (which) together with the Libation (and) together with the Aiwyāonghana (is) spread with holiness; we also revere the Lord of Righteousness.
We revere the Navel of waters; we revere (the Fire named) Neryosang. We revere the powerful yazata (named) Dami Upamana; we worship the souls of the departed who are the Fravashis of the righteous (people).

(10) We worship the exalted Lord who (is) Ahura Mazda, who (i.e. Ahura Mazda) is the highest in holiness (and) who is most helpful in Righteousness.
We revere all the sacred verses of (the Prophet) Zarathushtra, and all well-performed deeds (religious ceremonies), which have been performed and shall be performed hereafter.

Rapithwan Gāh (Short)
Prayer When To Pray

Rapithwināi ashaone ashahe rathwe,
yasnāicha, vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha.
Frādat-fshave zantumāicha ashaone ashahe rathwe,
yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha.

Starts at 12:33 PM to 3 PM.
Second Havan that starts from Mah Ava Roz Hormuzd starts from 12 noon to 3 PM.

Rapithwan Gāh (Full)
Prayer Meaning

(1) Khshnaothra Ahurahe Mazdāo. Ashem Vohū 3.
Fravarāne Mazdayasnō Zarathuhtrish vīdaēvō ahuratkaeshō.
Rapithwināi ashaone ashahe rathwe, yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha.
Frādat-fshave zantumāicha ashaone ashahe rathwe, yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha.

(2) Ashahe vahishtahe āthrascha Ahurahe Mazdāo, khshnaothra yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha,
yathā Ahū Vairyō zaotā frā me mrūte, athā ratush ashāt-chit hacha frā ashava vīdhvāo mraotū.

(3) Ahurem Mazdām ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; Zarathushtrem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; Zarathushtrahe ashaonō fravashīm yazamaide; Ameshe Spente ashaonām yazamaide.

(4) Ashāunām vanguhīsh sūrāo spentāo fravashayō yazamaide, astvatō manakhyācha apanōtemem rathwām yazamaide, yaētushtemem yazatanām, hanghanushtemem ashahe rathwām aiwinasānstemem, jaghmūshtemām ashaonō ashahe rathwō ratufritīm yazamaide.

(5) Rapithwinem1 ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide.
Ahunavaitīm Gāthām ashaonīm ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Ushtavaitīm Gāthām ashaonīm ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Spentā-mainyūm Gāthām ashaonīm ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Vohū-khshathrām Gāthām ashaonīm ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Vahishtōishtīm Gāthām ashaonīm ashahe ratūm yazamaide.

(6) Frādat-fshāum zantumemcha ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
fshushemcha mānthrem yazamaide;
arshukdhemcha vāchem yazamaide;
vacha arshukhudha yazamaide;
vārethraghnīsh daevō-ghnīta yazamaide;
apascha zemascha yazamaide;
urvarāoscha, mainyavacha yazata yazamaide,
yōi vanghazdāo ashavanō; Ameshescha Spente ashaonām yazamaide.

(7) Ashāunām vanguhīsh sūrāo spentāo fravashayō yazamaide.
Bareshnūshcha ashahe yat vahishtahe, mazishta mānthra, mazishta verezya, mazishta urvaithya, mazishta haithyā-varezya, mazishta vindaithya daēnayāo māzdayasnōish yazamaide.

(8) Avat vyākhnemcha hanjamanemcha yazamaide, yat asti Ameshanām Spentanām, bareshnavō avanghe ashnō ghimatem zantumahe rathwō yasnāicha vahmāicha, zantumemcha ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide.

(9) Ashem Vahishtem ātaremcha Ahurahe mazdao puthrem yazamaide.

(10) Thwām Ātarem Ahurahe Mazdāo puthrem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; hadha-zaothrem hadha-aiwyāonghanem imat baresma ashaya frastaretem, ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; Apām Naptārem yazamaide; Nairīm Sanghem yazamaide; takhmem Dāmōish upamanemyazatem yazamaide; iristanām urvānō yazamaide yāo ashaonām hzfravashayō.

(11) Ratūm berezantem yazamaide yim Ahurem Mazdām, yō ashahe apanōtemo, yō ashahe jaghmūshtemō; vīspa sravāo Zarathushtri yazamaide; vispacha hvarshta shyaothna yazamaide, varshtacha vareshyamnacha.

Yenghe hātām āat yesne paiti vanghō.
Mazdāo Ahurō vaēthā ashāt hachā,
yāonghāmcha tānschā tāoschā yazamaide.

Yathā Ahū Vairyō 2.

(12) Yasnemcha vahmemcha aojascha zavarecha āfrīnāmi,
Ashahe Vahishtahe āthrascha Ahurahe Mazdāo.
Ashem Vohū 1.
Ahmāi raēshcha;
Jasa me Avanghe Mazda;
Kerfeh Mozd.

(1-2) At the time of pure and holy period Rapithwan,
when (the functions) of giving rest or relief to beasts, and the Lord or chieftain of the town (goes), for the pleasure (of the Creator Ahura Mazda), for the worship of Ardibehest,
the Fire of Ahura Mazda, for (their) praise, for (their) propitiation and for (their) glorification, may the Zaotar (i.e. the officiating priest) proclaim before us (the excellences of the verses of) Yathā Ahū Vairyō.
May the Raspi (i.e. the assistant Priest) (who is) holy (and) learned in turn announce (the excellances of these verses) athā ratush ashāt-chit hacha”.

(3) We praise Ahura Mazda the holy Lord of Righteousness. We also praise Zarathushtra the holy Lord of Righteousness.

(4) We revere the Fravashi of the Holy2 Zarathushtra. We praise the holy Bountiful Immortals. We worship the good, heroic and beneficent Fravashis of the righteous. We praise the highest (lord) amongst the lords of the corporeal (world) and of the spiritual (world). We praise the most helpful of the yazatas (and) the most worthy (and) the well-timed prayer, the most helpful for the holy lord of holiness.

(5) We praise Rapithwan the holy, Lord of holiness,
we praise the Gatha Ahunavaiti,
we praise the Gatha Ushtavaiti,
we praise the Gatha Spentā-mainyu,
we praise the Gatha Vohu-khshathra,
and we praise the Gatha Vahishtoishti, the holy, Lord of holiness.

(6) We praise6 Fradat-fshu” and Zantuma”, the holy Lord of Righteousness;
we praise Fshusha mānthra (the hymn of prosperity);
we praise the word truly-spoken.
We praise the words truly-spoken;
we praise the victorious (sacred verses) smiting the daevas;
we praise the waters, lands and plants;
we worship the heavenly yazatas who (are) righteous and bestowers of better (things);
we worship the hyrighteous Bountiful Immortals.

(7) We worship the excellent, heroic and beneficent Fravashis of the righteous (people).
We worship the chief points (the essence) of Asha Vahishta (and) the greatest Holy Spell of the Religion of Mazda- worship, which are the greatest in causing effect, (which are very effective), the greatest in accomplishing (any) work, in performing just actions (and) in acquiring (any want).

(8) For the worship of the Lord Zantuma (i.e. Lord of the town) and for (his) veneration, we worship this meeting and assembly (abode) of the Bountiful Immortals which is situated on the heightsof the yonder sky. We praise Zantuma (the Lord of the town), the holy, Lord of Righteousness.

(9) We praise Ardibehesht, the Fire, the purifier (of all things) pertaining to Ahura Mazda.

(10)We revere thee, O Holy Fire, the purifier (of all things) pertaining to Ahura Mazda, the lord of righteousness. We revere this Baresman (which) together with the Libation (and) together with the Aiwyāonghana (is) spread with holiness; we also revere the Lord of Righteousness.
We revere the Navel of waters; we revere (the Fire named) Neryosang. We revere the powerful yazata (named) Dami Upamana; we worship the souls of the departed who are the Fravashis of the righteous (people).

(11) We worship the exalted Lord who (is) Ahura Mazda, who (i.e. Ahura Mazda) is the highest in holiness (and) who is most helpful in Righteousness.
We revere all the sacred verses of (the Prophet) Zarathushtra, and all well-performed deeds (religious ceremonies), which have been performed and shall be performed hereafter.

(12) I praise the worship, glory, vivacity and power of Ardibehesht the Fire of Ahura Mazda.

Uzirin Gāh (Short)
Prayer When To Pray

Uzyerināi ashaone ashahe rathwe,
yasnāicha, vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha.
Frādat-vīrāi dakhyumāicha ashaone ashahe rathwe,
yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha.

Starts at 3:33 to sun-set.
If you cannot complete prayers before sun-set, complete it within 36 minutes after sunset.
Please don't be persistant in following this rule. Uziren-ni-Meher (sublime blessings of Uziren through sun-rays) remains on earth for the first 36 minutes after sunset.

Uzirin Gāh (Full)
Prayer Meaning

(1) Khshnaothra Ahurahe Mazdāo. Ashem Vohū 3.
Fravarāne mazdayasnō Zarathushtrish vīdaēvō ahuratkaēsho.
Uzyeirināi ashaone ashahe rathwe,
yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasas- tayaēcha,
frādat-vīrāi dakhyumāicha ashaone ashahe rathwe,
yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha.

(2) Berezatō Ahurahe nafedhrō apām apascha mazdadhātayāo,
khshnaothra yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasasta- yaēcha,
Yathā Ahū Vairyō zaotā frā me mrūte,
athā ratush ashāt-chit hacha frā ashava vīdhvao mraotū.

(3) Ahurem Mazdām ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Zarathushtrem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Zarathushtrahe ashaonō fravashīm yazamaide;
Ameshe Spente ashaonām yazamaide.

(4) Ashāunām vanguhīsh sūrāo spentāo fravashayō yazamaide,
astvatō manakhyācha apanōtemem rathwām yazamaide;
yaētushtemem yazatanām hanghamishtemem ashahe rathwām awinasānstemem,
jaghmūshtemām ashaonō ashahe rathwō ratufritīm yazamaide.

(5) Uzyeirinem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Zaotārem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Hāvanānem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Ātarevakhshem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Frabaretārem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Āberetem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Āsnatārem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Rathwishkarem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Sraoshāvarezem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;

(6) Frādat-vīrem dakhymemcha ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
strēushcha māonghemcha hvarecha raochāo yazamaide;
anaghra raochāo yazamaide;
afrasanghāmcha khvāthrem yazamaide;
yā narsh sādrā dregvatō.

(7) Haithyāva- rezem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
aparemcha tkaēshem yazamaide;
haithyāvarezem ashavanem ashaonō stīm yazamaide;
paiti asni paiti khshafne, yasō-beretābyō zaothrābyō,
dakhyumahe rathwō yasnāicha vahmāicha;
dakhumemcha ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide.

(8) Berezantem ahurem khshathrīm,
khshaētem, apām napātem aurvat-aspem yazamaide;
apemcha Mazdadhātām ashaonīm yazamaide.

(9) Thwām ātarem Ahurahe Mazdāo puthrem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
hadha-zaothrem hadha-aiwyāonghanem imat baresma ashaya frastaretem, ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Apām Naptārem yazamaide; Nairīm Sanghem yazamaide;
takhmem Dāmōish upamanem yazatem yazamaide; iristanām urvānō yazamaide yāo ashaonām fravashayō.

(10) Ratūm berezantem yazamaide yim Ahurem Mazdām, yō ashahe apanotemō, yō ashahe jaghmūshtemō; vīspa sravāo Zarathushtri yazamaide; vīspacha hvarshta shyaothna yazamaide, varshtacha vareshymnachya.

Yenghe hātām āat yesne paiti vanghō,
Mazdāo Ahurō vaētha ashāt hachā;
yāonghāmcha tānschā tāoschā yazamaide.

Yathā Ahū Vairyō 2.

(11) Yasnemcha vahmemcha aojascha zavarecha afrīnami, berezatō ahurahe nafedhrō apām apascha mazdadhātayāo.
Ashem Vohū 1.

Ahmāi raēshcha;
Jasa me avanghe Mazda;
Kerfeh Mozd.

(1-2) At the time of pure (and) holy period Uzirin
when it is time to rest men from the work,
and when the Lord or sovereign of the country (goes) to worship the Creator Ahura Mazda,
and to praise, propitiate and glorify the (very source of) water,
may the Zaotar (i.e. the officiating priest) proclaim before me (the excellences of the verses of) Yathā Ahū Vairyō.

May (the Raspi) (i.e. the assistant Priest) (who is) holy (and) learned announce (the excellences of these verses) athā ratush ashāt-chit hacha”.

(3) We praise Ahura Mazda the holy Lord of Righteousness. We also praise Zarathushtra the holy Lord of Righteousness.

(4) We revere the Fravashi of the Holy2 Zarathushtra. We praise the holy Bountiful Immortals. We worship the good, heroic and beneficent Fravashis of the righteous. We praise the highest (lord) amongst the lords of the corporeal (world) and of the spiritual (world). We praise the most helpful of the yazatas (and) the most worthy (and) the well-timed prayer, the most helpful for the holy lord of holiness.

(5) We praise Uzirin, the holy, Lord of Righteousness;
we praise the Zaotar the holy, Lord of Righteousness;
we praise the Hāvanān the holy, Lord of Righteousness;
we praise the Ātarvakhsi the holy, Lord of Righteousness;
we praise the Frabaretar the holy, Lord of Righteousness;
we praise the Āberetar the holy, Lord of Righteousness;
we praise the Āsnātar the holy, Lord of Righteousness;
we praise the Rathwishkar the holy, Lord of Righteousness;
we praise the Sraoshāvarezathe holy, Lord of Righteousness;

In the above paragraphs various classes of Herbad, the practising priests, are remembered with due respect. Moreover, from these names, we (come to know) what function each type of priest performs:
Zaotā, i.e. zoti or the performer of principal ceremony;
Hāvanān, i.e. the priest who strains the Haoma and performs the ceremony;
Ātarvakhsha, i.e. Atarvakhshi, whose function is to keep the fire burning;
Frabaretar, i.e. the priest who brings to the Zaotar all the implements and other things (articles) required for the ceremonies;
Ābereta (= āp + beretar), a man in holy orders, who provides for the sacred water used in religious ceremonies and for purificatory purposes;
Āsnātar, i.e. the priest in holy orders who purifies defiled persons, as well as, the utensils used for ceremonial purposes;
Rawthwishkara, i.e. a priest who performs all the accessory services, such as adjusting the ceremonial utnesils and putting them in proper order;
Sraoshāvareza, i.e. a priest in whose presence a sinner confesses his misdeeds and makes amends for them, and the officer who keeps good discipline.

(6) We praise “Fradāt-vīra” and “Dakhyuma”, the holy, Lord of Righteousness; we praise the stars and the moon and the sun and luminaries; we praise the boundless lights; we praise the splendour of the doctrines which (are as it were) the woes of the sinful person.

(7) We praise the Lord of Righteousness (who is) holy and practising righteous or virtuous deeds; we praise the later lore. We praise the creation of Holy (Ahura Mazda), the Lord of the country with libations brought for the yasna; we praise day and night the Lord of righteousness (who is the chieftain) (pertaining) to the holy country.

(8) We praise the Navel of the Waters, the exalted Lord, swift-footed horse (who is) imperial, and shinning, we praise the pure water created by Ahura Mazda.

(9) We revere thee, O Holy Fire, the purifier (of all things) pertaining to Ahura Mazda, the lord of righteousness. We revere this Baresman (which) together with the Libation (and) together with the Aiwyāonghana (is) spread with holiness; we also revere the Lord of Righteousness.
We revere the Navel of waters; we revere (the Fire named) Neryosang. We revere the powerful yazata (named) Dami Upamana; we worship the souls of the departed who are the Fravashis of the righteous (people).

(10) We worship the exalted Lord who (is) Ahura Mazda, who (i.e. Ahura Mazda) is the highest in holiness (and) who is most helpful in Righteousness.
We revere all the sacred verses of (the Prophet) Zarathushtra, and all well-performed deeds (religious ceremonies), which have been performed and shall be performed hereafter.

(11) I praise, worship, with veneration, vivacity and power of the Navel of the waters the exalted Lord of the waters created by Ahura Mazda.

Aiwisruthrem Gāh (Short)
Prayer When To Pray

Aiwisrūthremai aibigayāi ashaone ashahe rathwe,
yasnāicha, vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha.
Frādat-vispām hujyāitee zarathushtrotemāicha
ashaone ashahe rathwe,
yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha.

Starts 72 minutes after sunset (36 minutes of Uzirem Meher & 36 minutes of Aewishuthrem Geh) till 12 midnight.
Second 36 minutes of Aewishuthrem Geh is called 'Gaashak' (time for Darkness) when no one should recite any prayers because the Staotic effect of our prayer gets nullified.
If you have attend the nature's call then just do Kusti only for Aewishuthrem Geh. This rule does not apply to the authorized Mobeds, means they can recite prayers during that second 36 minutes of Aewishuthrem Geh. Example: Sarosh-nu- Patru for the deceased person.

Aiwisruthrem Gāh (Full)
Prayer Meaning

(1) Khshnaothra Ahurahe Mazdāo. Ashem Vohū 3.
Fravaranē mazdayasnō Zarathushtrish vīdaēvō ahuratkaēshō,
aiwisrūthremai aibigayāi ashaone ashahe rathwe, yasnāicha vahmāicha khshknaothraicha frasastayaēcha, frādat-vīspām-hujyāitēe zarathushtrōtemāicha, ashaone ashahe rathwe, yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha.

(2) Ashāunām, fravashinām ghenānāmcha vīrōvānthwanām, yāiryāoscha hushitōish, amahecha hutāshtahe huraodhahe verethraghnahecha ahuradhātahe, vanaintyāoscha uparatāto, khshnaothra yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha, yathā Ahu vairyō zaotā frā mē mrūte, athā ratush ashāt-chit hacha frā ashava vīdhvāo mraotī.

(3) Ahurem Mazdām ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; Zarathushtrem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; Zarathushtrahe ashaonō fravashīm yazamaide; Ameshe Spente ashaonām yazamaide.

(4) Ashaonām vanguhīsh sūrāo spentāo fravashayō yazamaide, astvatō manakhyācha apanōtemem rathwām yazamaide, yaētushtemem yazatanām, hanghanushtemem ashahe rathwām aiwinasānstemem, jaghmūshtemām ashaonō ashahe rathwō ratufritīm yazamaide.

(5) Aiwisrūthremem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
Aibigāim ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
thwām ātarem Ahurahe Mazdāo puthrem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
asmana hāvana ashahe ratavō yazamaide;
ayanghaēna hāvana ashahe ratavō yazamaide
hadha-zaothrem hadha-aiwyāong-hanem imat baresma,
ashaya frastaretem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide;
āpa urvaire yazamaide; aourvatām urune ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide.

(6) Frādat-vīspam-hujyāitīm ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; Zarathushtrem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; mānthrem Spentem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; gēush urvānem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; Zarathushtrōtememcha ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; Zarathushtrem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide.

(7) Āthravanem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; rathaēshtārem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; vāstrīm fshuyantem ashavane ashahe ratūm yazamaide; nmānahe nmānō-paitīm ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; vīsō vīs-paitīm ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; zantēush zantu-paitīm ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; danghēush danghu-paitīm ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide.

(8) Yavānem humananghem huvachanghem hushyaothnem hudaēnem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; yavānem ukhdhō-vachanghemu ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; khvaētva-dathem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; dangha-urvaesem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; humāim pairyathnem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; nmānahe nmānō-pathnīm ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide.

(9) Nāirikāmcha ashaonīm yazamaide, frāyō-humatām, frāyō- hūkhtām, frāyō-hvarshtām, hush-hām-sāstām, ratukhshathrām, ashaonīm, yām Ārmaitīm Spentām, yāoscha te ghenāo, Ahura Mazda. Naremcha ashavanem yazamaide, frāyō-humatem, frāyō- hūkhtem, frāyō-hvarshtem, vistō-fraoreitīm, ēvistō-kayadhem, yenghe shyaothnāish gaēthāo asha frādente, Zarathushtrō-temahe rathwō yasnāicha, vahmāicha Zarathushtrōtememcha ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide.

(10) Ashāunām vanguhīsh sūrāo spentāo fravashayō yazamaide; ghenāoscha vīrōvānthvāo yazamaide; yāiryāmcha hushitīm yazamaide; amemcha hutashtem huraodhem yazamaide; verethraghnemcha ahura-dhātem yazamaide; vanaintīmcha upartātem yazamaide.

(11) Thwām Ātarem Ahurahe Mazdāo puthrem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide, hadha-zaothrem hadha-aiwyāonghanem imat baresma ashaya frastaretem, ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; Apām Naptārem yazamaide; Nairīm Sanghem yazamaide; takhmem Dāmōish Upamanem yazatem yazamaide, iristanām urvānō yazamaide yāo ashaonām fravashayō.

(12) Ratūm berezantem yazamaide yim Ahurem Mazdām, yō ashahe apanotemō, yō ashahe jaghmūshtemō; vīspa sravāo Zarathushtri yazamaide; vīspacha hvarshta shyaothna yazamaide varshtacha vareshyamnacha.

Yenghe hātām āat yesne paiti vanghō,
Mazdāo Ahurō vaētha ashāt hachā,
yāonghāmcha tānschā tāoschā yazamaide,

Yathā Ahū Vairyō 2.

(13) Yasnemcha vahmemcha aojascha zavarecha āfrīnami, ashāunām fravashinām ghenānāmcha vīrōvānthwanām, yāiryāos-cha hushitōish, amahecha hutāshtahe huraodhahe, verethragh- nahecha ahuradhātahe, vanaintyāoscha uparatāto.
Ashem Vohū 1.

Ahmāi raēshcha,
Jasa me Avanghe Mazda,
Kerfeh Mozd.

(1-2) At the time1 of the holy and pure period of Aiwisruthrema, the guardian over life, when (the act) of giving prosperity to all the living creatures and when the power of the Pontiff rests, for the pleasure (of the Creator Ahura Mazda), for the worship of the Fravashis of the righteous (people), women with their troops of heroes, timely advent of the seasons, of (the yazata named) Ama, well-made and beautiful, Behrām yazata created by Ahura Mazda, and Vananti Uparatāt (i.e. of the yazata presiding over the victorious ascendency), for (their) praise, (their) propitiation and glorification, may the Zaotar proclaim before me (the excellences of the sacred verses of) Yathā Ahū Vairyō.
May (the Rāspi) (who is) pious (and) learned announce (the excellences of the verse) athā ratush ashāt-chit hachā.

(3) We praise Ahura Mazda the holy Lord of Righteousness. We also praise Zarathushtra the holy Lord of Righteousness.

(4) We revere the Fravashi of the Holy2 Zarathushtra. We praise the holy Bountiful Immortals. We worship the good, heroic and beneficent Fravashis of the righteous. We praise the highest (lord) amongst the lords of the corporeal (world) and of the spiritual (world). We praise the most helpful of the yazatas (and) the most worthy (and) the well-timed prayer, the most helpful for the holy lord of holiness.

(5) We praise “Aiwisruthrema”, the Righteous, the Lord of Righteousness.
We praise the Righteous (Aiwisruthrema) the Lord of Righteousness (and) the guardian of Life.
We praise Thee, the Righteous Fire, the purifier (of all things) pertaining to Ahura Mazda, the Lord of Righteousness.
We praise the stone Mortar (and) things useful in rituals or to achieve for Righteousness;
we praise this Baresman, which is righteous spread with holiness, together with the Libation, and Aiwyaonghan, things useful to be righteous;
we worship the waters and the trees;
we praise the perfection of the Soul, the righteous soul (and) the Lord of Righteousness.

(6) We praise “Frādat-vīspām-hujyāiti”, the Righteous, the Lord of Righteousness; We praise Zarathushtra, the Righteous, the Lord of Righteousness; we worship the Beneficent Holy Spell, the righteous, the Lord of Righteousness; we worship the Soul of the Universe, the righteous, Lord of Righteousness; we worship the High-priest, the holy, the Lord of Righteousness. We worship Zarathushtra, the Righteous, the Lord of Righteousness.

(7) We praise the Priest (i.e. Dastur-Mobed), the righteous, the Lord of Righteousness; we praise the Warrior (i.e. Royal Hero), the righteous, the Lord of Righteousness; we praise the bringing of prosperity to the Agriculturist, the righteous, the Lord of Righteousness; we praise the Lord of the House, the righteous, the Lord of Righteousness; we praise the Lord of the Clans, the righteous, the Lord of Righteousness; we praise the Lord of the Town, the righteous, the Lord of Righteousness; we praise the Lord of the Country, the righteous, Lord of Righteousness.

(8) We praise the youth of good thoughts, good words, good deeds and good faith, the righteous, Lord of Righteousness. We praise the youth, praying of God, the righteous, Lord of Righteousness. We praise the patriotic person, the righteous, Lord of Righteousness; the righteous (man) imcoming from the land, the Lord of Righteousness; the inmissionary of good wisdom, the righteous, lord of Righteousness, and we revere the Lady of the House, the righteous, the Mistress of Righteousness.

(9) We praise the righteous woman, richest in good thoughts, good words and good deeds, well and properly instructed, obedient to her husband (and) truthful (and) who (i.e. the woman) (is) like Spenta Armaiti (Bountiful Immortal) and, O Hormazd, like (other) Feminine Powers created by you. (We praise such women having the qualities mentioned above). We praise the righteous man, richest in good thoughts, richest in good words and richest in good deeds. Understanding the faith (i.e. steadfast on the Religion) (and) ignorant of sins; through whose actions for the worship of the highest Priest and for (his) praise, the world gets prosperous by means of Righteousness. We praise the highest Priest, the righteous, the Lord of Righteousness.

(10) the excellent, heroic and beneficent Fravashis of righteous (people); women with their troops of heroes; the timely advent of the seasons; and the well-made, beautiful Ama (i.e. the yazata presiding over courage); and we praise Behram yazata created by Ahura Mazda; and we praise Vananti Uparatat.

(11) We revere thee, O Holy Fire, the purifier (of all things) pertaining to Ahura Mazda, the lord of righteousness. We revere this Baresman (which) together with the Libation (and) together with the Aiwyāonghana (is) spread with holiness; we also revere the Lord of Righteousness.
We revere the Navel of waters; we revere (the Fire named) Neryosang. We revere the powerful yazata (named) Dami Upamana; we worship the souls of the departed who are the Fravashis of the righteous (people).

(12) We worship the exalted Lord who (is) Ahura Mazda, who (i.e. Ahura Mazda) is the highest in holiness (and) who is most helpful in Righteousness.
We revere all the sacred verses of (the Prophet) Zarathushtra, and all well-performed deeds (religious ceremonies), which have been performed and shall be performed hereafter.

(13) I extol the worship, praise vivacity and the power of the Fravashis of the righteous (people), and of the women with their troops of heroes, the timely advent of the seasons, the shapely, beautiful Ama (i.e. yazata presiding over courage), Behram yazata, created by Ahura Mazda and Vananti Uparatāt.

Ushahen Gāh (Short)
Prayer When To Pray

Ushahināi ashaone ashahe rathwe,
yasnāicha, vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha.
Berejyai nmanyāicha ashaone ashahe rathwe,
yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha.

From midnight local time 12:33 to 36 minutes before sunrise.
From midnight local time 12:33 to 36 minutes before sunrise.
Again this rule does not apply to the authorized Mobeds & Yaozdathregars).
Recite only Kusti prayers during 'Gaashak' time for Aewishuthrem and Ushen Geh. During Gaashak time for Ushen Geh, rays of Khurshed are not fairly reached on earth when nature is filled with bad atmosphere full of 'Asare-Taariki', which is also knoiwn as Gaashak or 'Tirae-Gohar'. This is the time when the power of black- magic, evil, destructive elements is at its maximum.
Recite prayers only after 1:40 AM for Ushen Geh.

Ushahen Gāh (Full)
Prayer Meaning

(1) Khshnaothra Ahurahe Mazdāo. Ashem Vohū (1).
Fravaranē mazdayasnō Zarathushtrish vīdaēvō ahuratkaeshō.
Ushahināi ashaone ashahe rathwe yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha.
berejyāi nmānyāicha ashaone ashahe rathwe, yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha.

(2) Sraoshahe ashyehe ashivatō verethrājanō frādat-gaēthahe, Rashnaosh Razishtahe, Arshtātascha frādat-gaēthayāo varedat-gaēthayāo, khshnaothra yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayaēcha, Yathā Ahū Vairyō zaotā frā me mrūte, athā ratush ashāt-chit hacha frā ashava vīdhvāo mraotū.

(3) Ahurem Mazdām ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; Zarathushtrem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; Zarathushtrahe ashaonō fravashīm yazamaide; Ameshe Spente ashaonām yazamaide.

(4) Ashāunām vanguhīsh sūrāo spentāo fravashayō yazamaide, astvatō manakhyācha apanōtemem rathwām yazamaide, yaētushtemem yazatanām, hanghanushtemem ashahe rathwām aiwinasānstemem, jaghmūshtemām ashaonō ashahe rathwō ratufritīm yazamaide.

(5) Ushahinem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; ushām srīrām yazamaide; ushāonghem yazamaide, khshōithnīm raēvat-aspām, framen-narām, framen-narō-vīrām; yā khvāthravaiti nmānavaiti; ushāonghem yazamaide, revīm renyat-aspām, yā sanat avi haptō-karshvairīm zām; avām ushām yazamaide. Ahurem Mazdām ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; vohū manō yazamaide; Ashem Vahishtem yazamaide; khshathrem vairīm yazamaide; Spentām vanguhīm Ārmaitīm yazamaide.

(6) Berejīm ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide, bereja vanghēush ashahe, bereja daēnayāo vanghuyāo māzdayasnōish, nmānyehe rathwō yasnāicha vahmāicha nmānimcha ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide.

(7) Sraoshem ashīm huraodhem verethrājanem frādat-gaēthem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; Rashnūm razistem yazamaide, Arshtātem frādat-gaēthām varedat-gaēthām yazamaide.

(8) Thwām ātarem Ahurahe Mazdāo puthrem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; hadha-zaothrem hadha-aiwyāonghanem imat baresma ashaya frastaretem, ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide; Apām Naptārem yazamaide; Nairīm Sanghem yazamaide; takhmem Dāmōish upamanem yazatem yazamaide; iristanām urvānō yazamaide yāo ashaonām fravashayō.

(9) Ratūm berezantem yazamaide yim Ahurem Mazdām, yō ashahe apanotemō, yō ashahe jaghmūshtemō; vīspa sravāo Zarathushtri yazamaide, vīspacha hvarshta shyaothna yazamaide varshtacha vareshyamnacha.

Yenghe hātām āat yesne paiti vanghō,
Mazdāo Ahurō vaēthā ashāt hathā,
yāonghāmcha tānschā tāoschā yazamaide.

Yathā Ahū Vairyō.(2)

(10) Yasnemcha vahmemcha aojascha zavarecha āfrīnāmi Sraoshahe ashyehe ashivatō verethrājano frādat-gaēthahe, Rashnaosh11 razishtahe, Arshtātascha frādat-gaēthayāo varedat- gaēthayāo.
Ashem Vohū 1.

Ahmāi raēshcha,
Jasa me avangha Mazda,
Kerfeh Mozd.

(1-2) At the time of the pure and holy period Ushahen when it is propitious to ask for one’s wishes to be fulfilled and when the authority, the master of the house (prays the creator Ahura Mazda), through propitiation of Sraosha (yazata), the pure, holy, victorious, bringing prosperity to the world, the Most Just Rashna (yazata), and Astad (yazata), the promoter and the increaser of the world, for the worship (of them all), praise, propitiation and for (their) glorification may the Zaotar proclaim before me (the excellences of the sacred verses of) Yathā Ahū Vairyō.
May (the Raspi who is) holy (and) learned, announce (the excellences of these verses) athā ratush ashāt chit hacha.

(3) We praise Ahura Mazda the holy Lord of Righteousness. We also praise Zarathushtra the holy Lord of Righteousness.

(4) We revere the Fravashi of the Holy2 Zarathushtra. We praise the holy Bountiful Immortals. We worship the good, heroic and beneficent Fravashis of the righteous. We praise the highest (lord) amongst the lords of the corporeal (world) and of the spiritual (world). We praise the most helpful of the yazatas (and) the most worthy (and) the well-timed prayer, the most helpful for the holy lord of holiness.

(5) We praise Usahahen Gah the righteous, the Lord of righteousness; we praise the beautiful Dawn, the light of the Dawn, shining with the radiant horses, agreeable or pleasing to men, heroic men which (light) (is) giving comfort and ease and belongs to the house and family. We praise the light of the Dawn, agile (and) of nimble-paced horses, which is spread upon the seven regions of the earth. We praise this Dawn. We worship Ahura Mazda, Righteous, Lord of Righteousness. We worship (the Holy Immortal) Vohu Manah; we worship (the Bountiful Immortal) Asha Vahishta; we worship (the Bountiful Immortal) Sheherevar; we worship the good Spandarmad (Bountiful Immortal).

(6) We praise Berejya1 the righteous, Lord of righteousness, with the blessing of the good righteousness, (and) with the blessing of the good Mazda-worshipping Religion, for the worship of Nmānya Ratu (i.e. principal master of the house) and for (his) praise. We praise “Nmānyo” (i.e. the chief Lord of the house) the holy, Lord of holiness.

(7) We worship Sraosha (yazata) the holy, the Lord of righteousness, (who is) of good appearance, victorious, bringing prosperity to the world (and) righteousness. We worship the just Rashnu (yazata). We worship Astad (yazata), the promoter and the increaser of the world.

(8) We revere thee, O Holy Fire, the purifier (of all things) pertaining to Ahura Mazda, the lord of righteousness. We revere this Baresman (which) together with the Libation (and) together with the Aiwyāonghana (is) spread with holiness; we also revere the Lord of Righteousness.
We revere the Navel of waters; we revere (the Fire named) Neryosang. We revere the powerful yazata (named) Dami Upamana; we worship the souls of the departed who are the Fravashis of the righteous (people).

(9) We worship the exalted Lord who (is) Ahura Mazda, who (i.e. Ahura Mazda) is the highest in holiness (and) who is most helpful in Righteousness.
We revere all the sacred verses of (the Prophet) Zarathushtra, and all well-performed deeds (religious ceremonies), which have been performed and shall be performed hereafter.

(10) I praise, worship, the Srosh (Yazata), glory, vivacity and strength of the holy, righteous and victorious Srosh (Yazata) bringing prosperity to the world, of the just; Rashna (yazata) and Astad (yazata), the furtherer (promoter) and increaser of the world.