Zoroastrian Daily Prayers

Zoroastrian Prayers


Srosh Bāj

Prayer Meaning

Khshnaothra Ahurahe Mazdāo

Ashem Voh - 1.

Pa nāme yazdān Hormazd Khodāe awazūnī, gorje khoreh awazāyād, Sarosh ashō, tagi, tan-farmān, shekaftzin, zinawazār, sālāre dāmāne Ahura Mazda be-rasād.

Az hamā gunāh patet pashemānum; az harvastin dushmata duzhukhta duzhuvarshta, mem pa geti manid oem goft, oem kard, oem jast oem būn būd ested, az ān gunāh manashni gavashni kunashni, tani ravāni geti minoāni, okhe avākhsh pashemān pa sē gavashnī pa patet hom.

Yathā Ahū Vairyō - 5, Ashem Vohū - 3.

Fravarāne Mazdayasnō Zarathushtrish vīdaēvō Ahuratkaeshō

(gah according to the period of the day) Frasastayaēcha.

Sraoshahe ashyehe, takhmahe, tanu mānthrahe, darshi-draosh, āhūiryehe, kshnaothra yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayāecha, Yathā Ahū Vairyō zaotā frā-me mrūte, athā ratush ashāt chīt hachā frā ashava vīdhvāo mraotū.

Sraoshem, Ashīm, huraodhem, verethrājanem frādat-gaēthem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide.

Ahunem vairīm tanūm pāiti, Ahunem vairīm tanūm paiti, Ahunem vairīm tanūm pāiti.

Yathā Ahū Vairyō - 1.

Kēm na Mazdā (to be recited in full)

Yathā Ahū Vairyō - 2;

yasnemacha vahmemcha aojascha zavarecha āfrīnāmi, sraoshahe, ashyehe, takhmahe, tanu-mānthrahe, darshi-draosh, ahūiryehe.

Ashem Vohū - 1.

AHMĀI RAĒSHCHA (to be recited in full)

HAZANGHREM (to be recited in full)

JASA ME AVANGHE MAZDA (to be recited in full)

KERFEH MOZD (to be recited in full)

(May there be) propitiation1 of (the Creator) Ahura Mazda!

(I begin to recite this) with (the help of) the name of (the Creator) Hormazd, the Lord and the Lord (of the whole world) and munificent.

May the splendour and glory (of the Creator Hormazd) increase! May Srosh (yazad) the holy, strong, word-incarnate (i.e. whose body even is the Holy Spell), possessed of efficacious weapons (in order to smite the daevas and wicked men), possessed of victorious weapon (and) the chief of the creatures of Hormazd come (to my help)! I renunciate, and desist from all sins; all wicked thoughts which in this world I have thought, wicked words which I have spoken, wicked deeds which I have committed (and) which have been caused through me (and ) which have been originated by me (all these sins mentioned above) relating to thought, relating to word and relating to deed, pertaining to (my own) body, pertaining to (my own) soul, pertaining to this world, pertaining to the world beyond, all these sins, O Hormazd! I discard and keep myself away (and) with the three words (i.e. good thought, good word and good deed) I repent.

I profess myself to be a worshipper of Hormazd, follower in accordance with the religion revealed by (the prophet) Zarathushtra, abstainer from (the path of) aidaevas and act according to the Law of Ahura Mazda (Gāh according to the period of the day) for the worship, veneration, propitiation and glorification, with propitiatory formula (Khshnumān) of Srosh the holy, powerful, word-incarnate, of infuriate weapon (for smiting the daevas) and according to the law of Ahura let the Zaotar (officiating priest) recite to me the (the excellences of the sacred verses of) Yathā Ahū Vairyō for propitiation (of the Creator Hormazd) (in so and so Gāh) for the worship of Srosh yazad the holy, the powerful, wordincarnate (for smiting the daevas), mighty-speared (and) acting according to the Law of Ahura Mazda, for (his) praise, for (his) propitiation (and) for (his) glorification. Let (Rāspi the assistant priest who is) righteous and learned ajrecite (the excellences of such verses) “athā ratush ashāt-chit hacha.” We praise Sraosha the Holy, the beautiful, the victorious, bringingprosperity-to the-world, the Righteous one, the Lord of Righteousness.

Ahunavar protects the body.

I praise and worship, according lo the law of Ahura Mazda the glory, dexterity and strength of Srosh yazata, the holy, strong, the word-incarnate, possessed of powerful weapon (in order to smite the daevas).