Zoroastrian Daily Prayers

Prayer | Meaning |
Ashem Vohū Vahishtem astī |
Righteousness is the best good (and it) is happiness. |

Prayer | Meaning |
Yathā Ahū Vairyō |
Just as a King acts according to his will, so does the |
Prayer | Meaning |
Shekasteh Shekasteh Sheytān, |
(May) the Satan (be) defeated and destroyed! (may) the works |
Note: After having recited this Nirang three times one should recite Srosh Bāz, and whilst reciting five Ahunavar one should apply nirang or bull’s urine at every Ahunavar to the right and left hand, to the face, to the right and left leg respectively. One should perform then Pādyāb-Kusti after completing the Srosh Bāz.

Prayer | Meaning |
Kem-nā Mazdā mavaitē pāyūm dadāt, |
When any wicked man glares at me for taking revenge |

Prayer | Meaning |
Hormazd Khodāy ahereman awādashān dūr avāz-dāshtār; zad shekasteh bād, ahereman, devān darujān, jādūān darvandān kīkān karafān sāstārān, gunehgārān āshmoghān darvandān dushmanān frīyān zad shekasteh bād. Dushpādashāhān awādashān bād; dushmanān satoh bād; dushmanān awadashan bād. |
Dādār Hormazd (is) the Lord (of the entire Universe) (and) keeps the swith holder and keeper at a distance5 of the wicked and powerless Ahriman, May (that Ahriman) be smitten6 and defeated! May (all these) Ahriman, daevas, drujas, sorcerers, wicked ones, Kiks, Karaps, tyrants, sinners, āshmoghs, impious ones, enemies, witches be smitten and defeated! May the wicked rulers cease to exist! May the enemies be confounded! May the enemies be non-existent and perish. |

Prayer | Meaning |
Jasa me avanghe Mazda (3) |
O Creator Hormazd! |

Prayer | Meaning |
Khshnaothra Ahurahe Mazdāo (gah according to the period of the day) Frasastayaēcha. Sraoshahe ashyehe, takhmahe, tanu mānthrahe, darshi-draosh, āhūiryehe, kshnaothra yasnāicha vahmāicha khshnaothrāicha frasastayāecha, Yathā Ahū Vairyō zaotā frā-me mrūte, athā ratush ashāt chīt hachā frā ashava vīdhvāo mraotū. Sraoshem, Ashīm, huraodhem, verethrājanem frādat-gaēthem ashavanem ashahe ratūm yazamaide. Ahunem vairīm tanūm pāiti, Ahunem vairīm tanūm paiti, Ahunem vairīm tanūm pāiti. Yathā Ahū Vairyō - 1. Kēm na Mazdā (to be recited in full) Yathā Ahū Vairyō - 2; yasnemacha vahmemcha aojascha zavarecha āfrīnāmi, sraoshahe, ashyehe, takhmahe, tanu-mānthrahe, darshi-draosh, ahūiryehe. Ashem Vohū - 1. AHMĀI RAĒSHCHA (to be recited in full) HAZANGHREM (to be recited in full) JASA ME AVANGHE MAZDA (to be recited in full) KERFEH MOZD (to be recited in full) |
(May there be) propitiation1 of (the Creator) Ahura Mazda! |

Prayer | When To Pray |
Hāvanēe ashaone ashahe rathwe, |
Starts 36 minutes prior to sun-rise (known as Havan-ni-Meher) that last till 12 noon. |

Prayer | When To Pray |
Rapithwināi ashaone ashahe rathwe, |
Starts at 12:33 PM to 3 PM. |

Prayer | When To Pray |
Uzyerināi ashaone ashahe rathwe, |
Starts at 3:33 to sun-set. |

Prayer | When To Pray |
Aiwisrūthremai aibigayāi ashaone ashahe rathwe, |
Starts 72 minutes after sunset (36 minutes of Uzirem Meher & 36 minutes of Aewishuthrem Geh) till 12 midnight. |

Prayer | When To Pray |
Ushahināi ashaone ashahe rathwe, |
From midnight local time 12:33 to 36 minutes before sunrise. |

Prayer | Meaning |
Ahmāi raēshcha khvarenascha, ahmāi tanvō dravatātem, |
(Do thou) (O Holy Srosh yazad) (grant) lustre and glory unto him (i.e. unto the person) who worships thee (the Holy Srosh yazad) with the best “zaothras”, with excellent “zaothras” and with the “zaothras” strained - prepared carefully by good people: (do thou grant) unto him the soundness of the body, happiness, victoriousness, wealth with fullness of welfare, and progeny of innate wisdom. (Do thou grant) unto him a long life (and) heaven of the righteous bright (and) comfortable. |

Prayer | Meaning |
Hazanghrem baēshazanām, bāevare baēshazanām; |
(May there be) a thousand of health, ten thousands of health! May there be health a thousand times. |

Prayer | Meaning |
Jasa me avanghe mazda, jasa me avanghe mazda, jasa me
avanghe mazda, |
O Hormazd! Come unto my help. Of the well-shapen (and) beautiful Ama (yazata of strength), of Behram yazad created by Ahura, of Vanainti Uparatāt (i.e. the yazata presiding over victorious ascendency), of Mino Rām, giver of taste of food, of Vāy yazad working on-high, (who is) created superior to other creations - (may the help of all of them reach me through you, O Hormazd. O Vay yazad! (get me the help) of thy (wind) which is pertaining to the Beneficent Spirit. Of the sky taking course according to the Law of nature, of the Endless Time, of the Time Ordained for a long period (may the help of these all reach me, O! Hormazd). |

Prayer | Meaning |
Kerfeh mozd gunāh guzāreshnerā kunam, |
For the expiation of sins I obtain the reward of meritorious deeds, and for the sake of the love of the soul, may complete righteousness reach all the doers of good deeds and all the faithful (residing) on the seven regions of the earth, - as wide as the earth, as long as the river and as high as the Sun as! |

Prayer | Meaning |
Ba nāme yazade bakhshāyandehe bakhshāyashgare meherbān. |
In order to live for a long time, health of the body is necessary. May the glory remain permanent in association with righteousness! May all these heavenly yazatas (and) the yazatas of this world (and) the seven Ameshāspand come to this excellent votive offering! May this benediction (of mine) be (approved)! May this wish (of mine) be fulfilled! May the Religion of Zarathushtra be pleased (liked or chosen) amongst all men! May it be so! O God! The Creator! May you keep forever, cheerful, healthy the Lord of this world, all the assemblies (so and so) together with (his) descendants; may you keep (them) thus. Over the chieftainship of the good (or worthy) men may you keep permanent and Lord for many years and for boundless period. May there be a thousand blessings! May the year be auspicious! May the day be fortunate (And) may the month be auspicious! May you keep us worthy (in performing) the worship and invocation and charity and in offering libations for several years, several days, and several months; for many years! May you keep righteousness over all actions and meritorious deeds! May there be health and goodness (unto thee)! May there be excellence (unto thee)! May it be so! May it be more so! May (thy) wish be in accordance with (the wish of) the yazatas and the Ameshāspand! |

Prayer | Meaning |
Ba nāme yazade bakhshāyandehe bakhshāyashgare meherbān. |
(May there be propitiation) of the just and holy knowledge created by Ahura Mazda (i.e. of Religious Education) and of the good Mazda worshipping Religion! |

Prayer | Meaning |
(Note: This same Gāh should be recited during the period of Second Havan as well, i.e. from the Month Āvan, Roz Hormazd up to Vahishtoisht Gatha. For further explanation see note given to “the five gāhs to be recited separately”). |

Prayer | Meaning |
(1) Khshnaothra Ahurahe Mazdāo. |
(1-2) At the time of pure and holy period Rapithwan, when |

Prayer | Meaning |
(1) Khshnaothra Ahurahe Mazdāo. |
(1-2) At the time of pure (and) holy period Uzirin |

Prayer | Meaning |
(1) Khshnaothra Ahurahe Mazdāo. |
(1-2) At the time of the holy and pure period of Aiwisruthrema, |

Prayer | Meaning |
(1) Khshnaothra Ahurahe Mazdāo. |
(1-2) At the time of the pure and holy period Ushahen when it is |
More Prayers Coming Soon