About Zarathushtra - (by Prof. Phiroz Davar)
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The following ancient religious writings and sacred books throw sufficient light on the life and message of Spitaman Zarathushtra. The glimpses of Paygambar's life are vividly expressed in them. * Gathas |
The word "Zarathushtra" has several meanings. It is basically a word of Avasta.
- ZARDUST - is a Persian Word
- ZOROASTER - is a Greek Word
- ZARTHOST - this word is pronounced by the Parsees in India
The meanings :
- The Golden Star
- The owner of the golden yellow camels.
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The following are the names of nine great generations of ancestors of Vakhsure Vakhsuran Ramzgo Asho Spitaman Zarathushtra Saheb. As Zarathushtra Saheb was born to Paurushasp and Dogdo (ninth generation) descending from the earliest generation of Spitam, he is revered as Spitaman Zarathushtra. * Spitam |

Mah Farvardin Roj Khordad Approximately 8000 years ago |
Place of Birth
In the Rae town situated on the bank of Dareji river in Iran. |
Mother |
Dogdo |
Paurushasp |
Haechadaspa of the Spitama family. |
Havovi |
1) Istavastar - (1) 2) Urdhatatanar - (4) 3) Haverechithra - (5) |
1) Freni - (2) 2) Thriti - (3) 3) Pauruchisti - (6) |
Jamasp (Husband to Pauruchisti) |
reaches upto Shah Minocheher of Peshdadiyan Dynasty. |
His teacher during childhood
Burzin - Kurush |
The first Disciple
Maidyomah - (Paternal uncle's son) |
The life-time enemy
Dushta Bendu |
Total life-span
77 years and 40 days. |
- Maidyomaha (The First disciple)
- Frashorkar (Frashoshtra)
- Jamasp
- Shah Gustasp
- Queen Hutoxi
- Dastoor Peshotan
- Zarir
- Aspandyar
- Frayan (The first Turani)
- Changraghach (The First Brahmin)
- Beas (Vyas) (Hind Desh)
- Tutiyanush (Titianus)
01 | When Zarathushtra was just an infant, the wicked king Durasarub made several attempts to kill him. Once the baby Zarathushtra was thrown in to fire. Next time he was put in the path of a herd of running cows and bulls. Third time, the baby was placed in the cave of wolves. He was also thrown from the peak of a mountain. But everytime due to inherent divine powers and also due to protection given by Ahuramazda and Amesaspands he was miraculously saved. |
02 | When he was just a young boy he abandoned his ancestral home (as Gautam Budha did) taking only a waist-girdle from his father's property. |
03 | He could see Dadar Ahuramazda and so Amesaspands through a deep spiritual meditation for ten years on the Ushidaren mountain. |
04 | After coming down from the mountain he arrived in the midst of the people. He defeated Satan and preached his religion. |
05 | He found a royal refuge in the court of Gustasp, the king of Bulkh. When he arrived in the court, the king and the courtiers were amazed by his "aura" that was as bright as a blazing light and were also highly impressed by his religious preaching. |
06 | Some of the wicked courtiers dubbed Zarathushtra as a sorcerer, and so the king sent him to prison. |
07 | Shah Gustasp had a black horse (Asp-e-Siha). The horse fell ill and his legs suddenly went into the stomach. The king asked Zarathushtra to cure the horse. The legs of the black horse were brought out by Asho Zarathushtra. The king released Asho Zarathushtra immediately from the prison. Asho Zarathushtra asked the king to accept his message. When Shah Gustasp agreed to it, Zarathushtra explained to him the deeper significance of his religion. |
08 | Shah Gustasp and his Queen Hutoxi accepted Zarathushtra's religious teachings and they accorded a royal patronage to Asho Zarathushtra. |
09 | Zarathushtra performed the JASHAN ceremony in the court of Shah Gustasp. After the ceremony was over the grape juice was given to king Gustasp. It enabled the king to see into the future and could also see his place in the heaven. Peshotan, the king's son was offered the milk. He became immortal by drinking it. Vazir Jamasp was made to smell the flowers of Jashan and that made him omniscient. He could see the past, the present and the future. Aspandyar, the second son of Gustasp was given granules of pomegranate to eat. This made his body as strong as bronze (Ruin Tan) which ultimately made him an invincible warrior. |
10 | The land of Iran was filled with rich sonorous sound of Manthravani. It was filled with mystical music of Ahunavar all round. |
On the day when Zarathushtra Saheb completed 77 years and 40 days of his holy life, the journey of his holy mission was over. It was Roj. Khorshed Mah. Dae (Zarthost-no-Diso). When this happened, Zarathushtra Saheb was deeply engrossed in prayers accompanied by eight mobed sahebs in an Atashbehram.
Let us see how great our Spitam Zarathushtra was ! How glorious his stature as a Paygambar was !
What a deep reverence he commanded !
The illustrious and powerful king Jamsheed of Peshadaya Dynasty divided his subjects in four divisions.
- Athravan (priest)
- Rathestar (warrior)
- Vastriyosh (farmer)
- Hutaosh (labourer)
According to Farvardin Yasht Zarathushtra was the best Athravan, Ratheshtar and Vastriyosh. By birth, of course, he was an Athravan.
Meaning: We are thankful to Dadar Ahuramazda that an Athravan like Zarathushtra is born.
Zarathushtra was Rathestar also, as he fought against satanic forces and evils for the whole of his life. He was Vashtriyosh too, as he always encouraged the farmers and farming.
"One who plants seeds plants righteousness"
Faredoon was considered to be the most fortunate one according to Jamiyad Yasht, but he was not as fortunate as Zarathushtra.
Nariman Kershasp was known as the most powerful of all, but he was not as powerful as Zarathushtra.
As Zarathushtra is having a divine rank of Yazat his Fravashi is invoked before starting all the holy rituals according to Yasna. He was the first prophet of this world.
- His is the first religion which imbibed ethical code.
- He was the first to preach monotheism.
- He was the first to predict about all other prospective religions of the world.
- He was the first prophet who fought against all devillish forces and all contemporary wickedness.
- Monotheism is the base of Zoroastrian religion.
- Ahuramazda is an immortal Supreme Power. Everything happens according to his WILL.
- To be always in concord with righteousness and have an inclination to keep oneself away from the evil wilfully is the extract of Zoroastrian religion.
- "Manasni-Gavasni-Kunasni"(good thoughts, good words, good deeds) are just like Elixir to live a true Zoroastrian life.
- "Ashoi" includes honesty, righteousness, truth, selflessness and goodness. This is what is said in "Ashem Vohu" "Be righteous for the sake of righteousness".
- Happy is he who gives happiness to others. "This is the fundamental principle of Zoroastrian religion.
- This world is of those who are pious and not for those who are sinful. The pious ones are always helpful to Dadar Ahuramazda's scheme to serve mankind.
- Act justly waith the good as well as with the wicked.
- The best person in this false world is he who is truthful. But the truth must be straight from the heart and not just hollow words. It is the sweetness of the heart that counts and not the sweetness of the tongue.
- "Vohumano" means good mind. Dadar Ahuramazda does not live in a wicked and unclean mind.
- Prayers is the shortest, easiest and simplest way to reach Dadar Ahuramazda. No religious act could be completed without a true prayer.
- You can know God bu knowledge, but you can have a total divine revelation only through observance of prayers.
- Deeds of a man hold up a mirror to his character. True humanity in man is projected through his good deeds. Zoroastrians believe in philosophy of action (Karma). Ket to Zoroastrian religion is good action without any expectation or reward.
- Kindness, benevolence, service and charity are mixed and mingled with the life-stream of a Zoroastrin. It is his perfect propriety.
- Zoroastrian religion attempts to achieve concord between the Creator (God) and his creation (Man). It shows the way to reach God through service to mankind.
- A Zoroastrian always attempts to make his inner flame or fire more bright and upright.
- One can realise Dadar Ahuramazda through the worship of Fire only.
- Fire (Atash) is the son (Puthra) of Dadar Ahuramazda.
- Dadarji is the saviour (of the good) and also the destroyer (of the evil).