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Ashem Vohu
Yatha Ahu Vairyo
Dua Tandoorasti
The Lord Supreme is the greatest Holy Being and His Holiness is His power of creation. He is the guardian and protector of mankind.
Literally meaning 'Good Mind'. This divinity bestows upon the devoted people, extremely strong sense to choose the right from the wrong.
Means Best Righteousness. It is the law and order of the Universe. Only the path of Righteousness leads to God.
Means authority of Ahura Mazda. Shehrevar Ameshaspand reigns over precious metal, minerals, precious stones & gems and also protects the sky.
Spenta Armaity is known as the genious of the Earth. Malice and harm of the wicked can be prevented through her help.
Meaning perfection and completeness for the help, joy, comfort and pleasure of the righteous onces. He guards and protects the waters.
Means immortality. Ameratat is the guardian and protector of trees, plants, seeds, vegetation, fruits, flowers and crops so that we enjoy good health from the plant kingdom.
Ashem Vohu
Yatha Ahu Vairyo
Dua Tandoorasti
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