SHEHREVAR : Khshathra Vairya

Khshathra Vairya is the Avestan name; Sheherevar – the Pahlavi name; Sovereignty is its virtue and Sky and Metal are the Creation.
“Power of the Good Mind – Vohu Kshathrem Manangha”
Thought –
Shehrevar protects the metals strong, full of strength and power.
Keeper of the Desirable Kingdom of Mazda, Thy strength I need every hour.
Khshathra Vairya or Shehrevar Ameshashpand is the sovereign kingdom of Ahura Mazda and is also the authority of Ahura Mazda. Man, by righteous deeds, comes closer to Mazda’s Kingdom. He is the guardian an protector of the sky and metals.
Shehrevar Ameshashpand oversees sacred power. Man experiences little or more power. There should be no tyranny in this rule. Keep the idea of power as rendering service. If you want to know your soul, know God. God Himself is the great illustrious creator of the entire universe. One must imbibe this virtue and possess sovereignty over oneself because this power-over-self is one of the end-products the devoted gets through worshipping the Supreme One. Like the first three Ameshashpands, this Ameshashpand too is inseparable from the Lord.
This is the power that comes from the awareness that Ahura Mazda can only do you good and the conviction that in the long run only righteousness and truth pay off. One who has adhered to the path of Asha will never fall into the hands of Ahriman.